Furniture Collection

Ice-Cream Before Lunch

“Ice-Cream Before Lunch” is a collection of eclectic furniture and absurd props. Collection is grounded in the essence of the “DIY” philosophy. It transcends established boundaries, providing a unique experience of creation. It signifies a return to self-confidence, liberating us from mass production, symmetry, serious colors, and perfection. By crafting colorful, vibrant, and asymmetrical forms, we revive childhood, free our hands, and return to play. Like Lego bricks, we stack wood upon wood, transforming each object. A chair is simultaneously a table, a painting is also a puzzle, a shelf is also a stool.

The collection draws inspiration from nature, art, and dynamic sports such as skateboarding.

The title “Ice-Cream Before Lunch” represents akin to the notorious sin of eating ice cream before lunch in those childhood days. It’s rebellion against rigid creation, a monotonous market, and rules.These pieces are an attempt to transform childhood desires & revolts into functional objects.

Photography & Photo Art Direction Katarina Marković

Scenography Iva Ilić